Award-winning actress Julia Ormond inspired a crowd of nearly 800 attendees at the November 4 New Friends New Life (NFNL) Luncheon by illustrating how small...
STAY MERRY & BRIGHT WITH IMMUNE SUPPORT Since 100% of holiday socializing takes place during peak flu season, you may want to pick up some GNC Vitamin...
“Earth Agate” by Kelly Gowan Gallery Wrap 48 x 48” Resin and crystals on cradled birchwood “I love taking elements of earth and portraying them in modern...
The Magdalen House , a nonprofit organization helping women achieve sobriety and sustain recovery from alcoholism at no cost and based on 12-Step spiritual...
Each month, Galleria Dallas partners with a local or national charity to shine a spotlight on their work with a Gallery Wall, located on Level 1 of the center...
“Random Thoughts” by Julie Blythe On Cradled Board 30 x 30" Encaustic wax and Mixed media “’Random Thoughts’ drift in my head – some deep, some are ‘to do’s’,...
The Most Exciting Light Show South of the North Pole Opens November 4, 2022 in Arlington In the spirit of blazing new trails and making memories, The Light...
St. Andrew United Methodist Church invites the community for a beautiful evening of music performed by the world-renowned British Vocal Ensemble VOCES8 on...
“Lazy Afternoon” by Monica Cascio Gallery Wrap 20 x 30" Oil “Two quiet mares resting under a large shade tree in a pasture along a scenic route in Tennessee....
“Mirror, Mirror” by Kelly Steller Hrad Gallery Wrap Diptych 24 x 48" each Linear Gravity Acrylic on Canvases “Bright and bold Diptych will fill any space with...