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(RED OAK, TX) --- She thought her daughter, a ROHS theater teacher, was being presented a surprise award at halftime, but as Donna Knight approached midfield with all the family she wondered where her daughter was when she heard the announcement over the speakers …

‘Mrs. Donna Knight, Red Oak ISD Community and Family Services Coordinator, is being awarded the Community Champion Award presented by representatives of the Region 3 Network of Prevention Providers.’

She looked at those who now surrounded her, including her daughter, and knew the surprise was on her as she accepted the award and hugs from friends and family.

Mrs. Knight has been committed to keeping the community educated and empowered with her school and community drug prevention programs, training for police departments, community-wide activities that bring resources to families, assisting parent and community organizations, and participating in events in the region to improve our community.

“Donna is the epitome of the service part of our 4 Talons of the Hawk Educator Profile,” exclaimed Dr. Michael Goddard, Red Oak ISD Superintendent. “She has a heart the size of Texas and would give you the shirt off her back. When we discuss leaving a legacy through service, Donna Knight is the example we all strive to be. In addition, she brings relevant programming to Red Oak to educate parents and students on drugs and alcohol, dyslexia and autism support, plus truancy and anger management programs.”

She has also been instrumental in the planning and execution of the BuzzFree PROMises program for many years and generously shares her time, knowledge, and skills with multiple prevention programs and agencies throughout the Metroplex. Most recently she was applauded for her extensive efforts in assisting families, particularly in Red Oak, following the flooding.

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