Karen Siddall
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Prairielands visits Penelope ISD The education trailer sets up at the ag building in Penelope.

Prairielands Groundwater Conservation District had the opportunity to visit classes at Penelope High School on Tuesday, December 15. Thanks to the invitation from Ag teacher, Tammy Christian, this was the maiden voyage of the district’s new mobile education trailer, and district staff members were able to share their water conservation message with students and faculty members that day.

Students learned about the Trinity and Woodbine aquifers hidden from sight in the ground beneath our feet and the parts and operation of a water well. During class, students examined a working aquifer model that demonstrated how groundwater flows through the various strata or layers of rock, sand, and gravel underground.  They saw how groundwater and surface waters such as rivers or lakes interact to replenish each other and how pollution can take advantage of that interaction to spread contaminants from one area to another. After the regular presentation, students in the Ag classes discussed how they could envision sharing some very complex concepts about aquifers, wells, and water conservation with younger students.

The purpose of the education trailer is to educate the public about the need to conserve water. Groundwater is being depleted at a faster rate than it is being replenished.  Surface water quantity is also impacted by increased use and the needs of a growing population. The trailer and staff are available to visit classrooms and public venues throughout the four county (Ellis, Hill, Johnson, and Somervell) district. Contact Karen Siddall, public relations and education administrator for Prairielands Groundwater Conservation District, to schedule programs at (817) 556-2299 or

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