Karen Siddall
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Hill Co Whitney ISD Whitney Elementary 050615-02.j Shawn Davis, Prairielands Groundwater Conservation District field technician, talks about water conservation measures even kids can take.

Representatives from Prairielands Groundwater Conservation District brought their water conservation message to Whitney Elementary School on Wednesday, May 6, as part of their ongoing public awareness program in Hill County. Kindergarten, first and second grade students learned the how they could conserve water around their homes at two learning stations during their physical education class period.  

Students had a fun and informative time learning that even though they are children there are still ways they can help to conserve water.  Parents can make changes to the home such as the purchase of water-conserving appliances and fixtures like low-water-use toilets but by doing simple things such as turning off the tap while brushing their teeth or making behavior changes such as not using the toilet as a trashcan, even kids can reduce the amount of water that is, essentially, wasted at home.

“Out of all the water conservation tips we talk about, turning off the water while they brush their teeth is probably the one main behavior change children their age can do, on their own, to save water,” said Karen Siddall, public relations and education administrator for the Prairielands Groundwater Conservation District. “Students were given a new toothbrush to take home as a reminder to put some of what they learned into practice.”

In addition to water conservation tips, students also learned important water nutrition information from the Texas AgriLife Extension Service in Hill County. Children were surprised to see the differences in the amount of sugar found in common beverages, and how their consumption can affect their bodies.

In addition, Texas Master Gardeners demonstrated how rainfall affects our watershed at one station, and 4-H volunteers, Renee McPeek and her son, Brazos, presented the water cycle and helped students create their very own “Water Cycle” bracelet to take home.

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